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We enable customer competitiveness to go one step further
through our optimum solutions.

TONGYANG SYSTEMS has a variety of best professional solutions in line with the rapidly changing insurance market.
In order to overcome the innovative development of information technology and the rapid change of management environment,
we will further strengthen our customers' competitiveness with specialized solutions that meet their needs with the best solutions.

Life Insurance Solutionfocuses on systems for processing insurance products.
It is a total insurance solution that connects sales management, mathematical statistics, personal loans, managerial accounting,
business management systems, and information systems, all of which are used in the sales field.

  • 수호천사 동양생명
  • Standard Chartered
  • 한국장학재단
  • 유안타증권

Retirement Pension Solution is a system that was introduced in Korea in December 2005
for carrying out retirement pension businesses, which can handle all policies such as DB-type,
DC-type, and IRP-type. It is a total solution for retirement pensions which can process
all tasks including retirement pension membership, operation of reserves, payment of retirement pension,
and tax calculation, and which can handle operation management (multiple operation possible),
asset management (multiple operation possible), and product procurement.

Bancassurance Solution is a system for bancassurance sales channels that sell insurance products
at banks, securities companies, etc., verified in most financial sectors. It meets standards for integration
with internal systems as well as security policies of banks, securities companies, etc.,
and supports communication with allied insurance companies based on various protocols
in a stable manner.
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