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HR policy

We’d like to form a new future of TONGYANG SYSTEMS with you

‘Best value creation’ through a reigning spirit.

Talented individuals who seek to be the very best in their respective areas in terms of behavior and mindset,
who are passionate in all things, who possess creative methods or strengths,
and who have a thirst for challenge in accepting new and difficult tasks

Establishment and operation of a rational HR system

The core of HR management of TONGYANG SYSTEMS lies in ‘task-centered organization operations’
and its ‘value-centered assessment and reward system.’
We established a task-centered organizational system and developed task specifications
and requirements in order to clarify expectations of roles by tasks, and selected career paths by
tasks accordingly in order to induce systematic career development and to establish a foundation
for utilization of talented individuals based on the task at hand.

In addition, we are carrying out an annual salary system based on capabilities
and performance centering on tasks by establishing a rational HR assessment system based on clear task standards.
Also, by paying differential rate of additional incentives according to individual
and organizational performance based on management outcomes other than annual salary,
we practice the corporate goal of sharing the company outcome with its employees.
Position and promotion system
  • There are five positions (employee ~ general manager)
  • Promotion refers to an increase in position (rank) for employees who possess eligibility,
    performance, and capabilities required for a superior position (rank).
    Promotions are conducted once a year (January 1st of each year)
  • 승진평가
Assessment system
  • The purpose of assessment is to study capabilities required for conducting tasks.
    It is utilized for developing and nurturing capabilities.
  • We contribute to performance creation by managing performance through clarification of
    individual goals and performance.

Establishment of value-centered reward system

TONGYANG SYSTEMS established a performance-oriented reward system that differentiates annual salary based on capabilities and performance.
Also, we support the mutual growth of the company and its employees by operating an incentive policy that pays incentives based on corporate performance.
Basic payment
  • Standard payment, bonus, meal payment
  • Other payment [Position and rank payment]
    (Team manager, PM, PL, etc.), communication expenses, childcare expenses, etc.
Individual incentives
  • A policy of ‘achievement incentive’ that changes annually according to
    individual performance assessment is being operated.
Incentive policy by occupational group
  • Sales Incentive :
    Pays incentives according to project order performance
    in relation to goals

  • Project Incentive :
    Distribute a part of profit upon project cost reduction
Organizational incentive (Profit sharing )
  • Incentive bonuses paid in addition according to company (organization) performance
  • Provide rewards and training on outstanding employees
Retirement pension
  • Operate retirement pension according to pension policy upon full 1-year employment

Operate various benefit packages for harmonization between work and life

TONGYANG SYSTEMS strives to provide a rich and healthy life for all officers and employees by
operating benefit packages of the highest levels
Support for educational expenses
  • Support for educational expenses for children in middle school, high school and college
  • Support childcare expenses for preschoolers
  • Support congratulatory expenses for entering elementary school
  • Support expenses for acquiring and maintaining professional licenses among employees
Recreational support
  • Provide special summer vacation
  • Support annual usage of resorts and condos throughout the country
  • Support in-house club activities
Support family events
  • Provide congratulations and condolences allowance
  • Service for supporting funeral supplies
Various support such as rewards
  • Reward long-term workers
  • Provide rewards and training for exemplary employees
  • Provide various gifts (for holidays and company anniversaries, etc.)
Medical support
  • Provide health checkups for employees and their spouses
  • Provide annual comprehensive medical screenings
Work system
  • Work 5 days a week
  • Voluntary clothing policy
Wealth creation
  • ESOP support
  • Operate stock option policy
Happy Box for celebrating childbirth
  • Deliver Happy Boxes consisting of products necessary for childcare
  • Provided immediately after childbirth
Support anniversary celebrations
  • Deliver restaurant gift certificates for employees’ birthdays
Employee Refresh Program
  • Support 2-people, three-day travel packages to Jeju-do
  • Airline tickets, hotel stays, etc.
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